
Google Reviews



What our customers write about us

Our 2 1/2 year old daughter began the Early Steps program at 4 months of age. As worried parents, relocating to the area from out of state, we were embraced by the entire staff at CTI. The team based approach enables the therapists to communicate with each other and address our child's needs on an ever changing basis. We feel confident that our infant daughter was in the right place and being worked with by experienced professionals who are helping her meet her highest potential. The therapists as well as other CTI families have provided our family with the support needed as we began our journey with a child with special needs. CTI is also responsible for introducing our daughter to her first friends who we meet with outside of the clinic setting for playdates. Lyla enjoys going to her "gym" and seeing her friends there. She also loves the interaction she has with the babies and enjoys showing the younger children the ropes. We believe this nurturing atmosphere created by the staff at CTI is an integral part of who our child is today, a thriving self confident toddler who continues to meet her goals despite all of her challenges. 

Mommy of Lyla

Attending therapy at CTI has benefitted both Charles and myself in numerous ways. Charles has been able to interact and socialize with other children. He sees kids of all ages and abilities and then learns from them. Also, being in a different environment provides stimulation for him. He is always looking around and taking in new sounds, toys and people. He loves to go there and play with Miss Joan, Miss Heather and Miss Susan.

For me CTI, has been a lifesaver for our family. It was exactly what we needed when we were weaning off the apnea monitor. It has been a huge learning process for me and my husband and we are forever grateful to CTI.

In the beginning, it was really nice to get out of the house and drive to CTI. My husband works long hours and it was just me and Charles and because he was so little, and with the swine flu outbreak, I didn't take him out very much. But for PT, that was an outing and a great change of pace in our regular daily at-home routine.

I have also enjoyed getting to know some of the other parents. We all have our challenges and can relate to one another's issues. We trade advice, ideas and encouragement when needed. Being a parent of a child enrolled in Early Steps can be difficult. No one has an easy road. But the parents of CTI get it and that's the camaraderie we share. 

Even to this day, our appointments at CTI are scheduled just like any other activity in a week. CTI is an integral part of our routine. The staff at CTI is so warm and caring and have a genuine relationship with each family that I feel it is a pleasant place to bring my children. 

Mommy of Charles and Allison

Business Hours

  • Monday - Friday

    08:00am – 12:00 pm

    01:00 pm – 05:00pm

  • Saturday - Sunday
